In April I held a teaching webinar on how to build a marketing plan. I got talking about it to one of the participants, Robin Deibel, who helps people create courses and we thought it would be a good idea to take one of the topics covered, customer avatars, a little bit further and go into more depth on it.
I'm really excited to share that the course is now ready and live! In the course you will learn:
Why it is critical for you to know your audience at an individual level
What a buyer persona or avatar is
How to put together an audience persona
When to use one in your marketing and business planning
If you'd like to spend 30 minutes watching it, here you go!
This is the first course I've ever created and was very much a trial run, so I would love feedback on it on how it could be improved. For a start, next time I'm going to put some rugs down in my basement so my voice doesn't echo quite so much!
If this is a helpful format for you to learn something, please let me know and I would be happy to do further mini-courses like this.
I'd like to give Robin a shout out for coaching me through the process, putting it together and getting the course live! I can easily say that this wouldn't have happened without her! If you're interested in putting together a course and need some help, her contact details are:
Robin Deibel
7290 319 8802