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Year one of COVID-19 – How has business and marketing changed?
So COVID-19 happened. We are now in a transition period and this year it will be fascinating to see which trends are here to stay.
Golden United Business Assistance Webinar
I recently participated in a panel about business continuity hosted by Golden United.
Free webinar: How to build a marketing plan during COVID-19
I held a free teaching session for Jefferson County Business Resource Center to help small businesses approach marketing planning.
New offer: COVID-19 marketing stimulus package for Golden
For the duration of this pandemic, three Golden marketing professionals have created a new way to help local businesses.
Free webinar: Communicating in a time of Coronavirus
Free webinar to help small businesses navigate communicating during this Coronavirus pandemic.
A holding statement / quick operations update
I've been telling businesses that they should have an operations update so I'm taking a dose of my own medicine
The new normal – marketing and business continuity in a time of Coronavirus
The main concern for firms right now is business continuity. Here are some examples of how companies are pivoting to provide inspiration.
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