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Why consistency is key
Marketing is all about consistency. It’s about showing up and keeping on showing up.
Year one of COVID-19 – How has business and marketing changed?
So COVID-19 happened. We are now in a transition period and this year it will be fascinating to see which trends are here to stay.
My new operating normal
We've now been in "COVID times" for six months and I'm establishing my new normal.
Free webinar video: How to pivot your marketing without throwing out your existing strategy
Any fundamental business change has a knock-on effect on how you market yourself. So, how do you flex your marketing and brand strategy?
Marketing stimulus package still available
Back in April, two Golden-based marketers and I teamed up to offer a discounted stimulus package to businesses. Companies still need it, so
Golden United Business Assistance Webinar
I recently participated in a panel about business continuity hosted by Golden United.
Free webinar: How to build a marketing plan during COVID-19
I held a free teaching session for Jefferson County Business Resource Center to help small businesses approach marketing planning.
New offer: COVID-19 marketing stimulus package for Golden
For the duration of this pandemic, three Golden marketing professionals have created a new way to help local businesses.
The new normal – marketing and business continuity in a time of Coronavirus
The main concern for firms right now is business continuity. Here are some examples of how companies are pivoting to provide inspiration.
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